Three Boys and a Girl

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hygiene Kits

We wanted to do something to help the cyclone victims in Myanmar, so we decided to make these Hygiene Kits that the Church uses in disaster relief. They were really fun to put together.

A few tips in case anyone else wants to make some:

They were almost exactly $10 per kit. I bought everything at Wal-mart, and I think the prices there were better than at a dollar store, because all of the items were under a dollar. The only exceptions are the hand towels. They were $1.88 at Wal-mart, and a dollar store might have them for less - I didn't check. There are a lot of good deals for this stuff (soap, toothpaste etc) if you walk past the big brand names.

I'd recommend doing at least 5 or 10 because you get a much better price on soap and combs if you're buying bulk packs. You can get a 10 pack of soap (enough for 5 kits) for $3.88, and a 10 pack of combs (also enough for 5 kits) for $2.08. You would end up paying much more than $10 if you just bought enough for one kit. It's fun to do this with a few other people and split the price if you just have funds for a few kits yourself. You could have 5 couples get together and each chip in $10 bucks for a kit, so you can still get bulk prices. It's a great FHE activity.

After the kits are assembled, you can either ship them to Salt Lake City, or just bring them to your local Bishops' Storehouse or Humanitarian Work Room. The latter are normally part of a Deseret Industries building. You can call the Humanitarian Center in SLC at 801-240-5954 to find a place you can drop them off.

It's been awesome for us because we feel like we've been able to do something to help. It was so cool for the boys to help with the shopping and putting the kits together. It honestly just makes me so grateful for what I have.


  • At 5/09/2008 9:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That's great! What a neat way to help someone. Whoever uses those kits will be very grateful to have them.

    Do the kits you made go the cyclone victims?

  • At 5/20/2008 8:52 AM , Blogger Kari said...

    Check it out: Church aid sent to Myanmar, including hygiene kits...

  • At 11/26/2008 3:28 PM , Blogger Roxanne and Brian said...

    Thanks for posting this. My family decided to do hygiene kits instead of Christmas gifts for each other this year. We're going to assemble the kits at our family party this Saturday. I'm in charge of the project and was thinking Walmart was probably the best place to go. Thanks for all the details. You definitely made this a little easier on me! And it's really cool to see that others enjoyed the project.



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