Three Boys and a Girl

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What everyone should know about

I was shown the most awesome site online called FreeCycle, where people give and get stuff for free. That sounded pretty good to me.

So people post things that they don't need and want to get rid of. Others post that they are interested in it, and the giver chooses who to give it to. You can also post something you are looking for, and other people who have that lying around say that you can come pick it up. You get rid of what you don't want, and get what you do want, all for free. (This sounds way too much like a commercial. . .)

So far, from people's offer posts, I have picked up gardening bulbs, fertilizer and gardening supplies, a BRAND SPANKIN NEW Cranium game, a kid's game that I love called Magic Mosaic (did anyone else ever play this?) an awesome Thai cookbook, and other nice little things. There's also furniture, washer/dryers and other bigger things offered all the time there. I have also gotten rid of a dresser mirror, some clothes and toys, and some other unwanted things that were handing around my house.

If I haven't told you about this yet you should totally get in on it. They have groups all over the U.S. (including Eugene, Cedar City, Idaho Falls, and St. George.) Registration just takes a second and it's free. I opted to get the posts in my email so I'm pretty up to date about what's out there. It's good if you tell the offerer why you really want something so they know about you and why they should choose you.

Anyway, I figured I should let you all in on the FreeCycle secret. Pretty cool.


  • At 2/01/2007 7:19 PM , Blogger Mary said...

    Just looking around the site for a minute, this was my favorite, most random post:

    "1. DVD - Food Network Cooking From the Grill 2. Half a package of Little Swimmers swim pants 3. Mens suit size 32X30 4. Various vinyl records, mostly barbershop music but some LDS and instrumental as well."

    I always wanted Half a package of Little Swimmers :)

  • At 2/01/2007 8:02 PM , Blogger Christine said...

    Hehe :) You will when you have a little swimmer - Those things are pricey!

    It is pretty funny though, some of the things people post. One man's trash is an other man's treasure I guess. :)

  • At 2/06/2007 8:50 PM , Blogger Kari said...

    This is a wonderful thing. I often think about all the stuff we would have lying around our house or the dump if it weren't for things like second hand stores, garage sales and freecycle. I'm going to register just as soon as I decide what to offer. Thanks for sharing!

  • At 2/06/2007 9:23 PM , Blogger Christine said...

    Kari, you are in the enviable position of probably not having a whole lot lying around that you want to get rid of, because you just went through it all and dejunked before the move.

    Hehehe - And even WITH freecycle, second hand stores and yard sales, I STILL often think about all the stuff I have lying around (or boxed up) in my house. I'm a pack rat at heart. It's funny really. I just want to pick up everything people offer, even when I don't need or particularly want it, just because it's free. They have doctors for people like me.

  • At 2/12/2007 2:19 PM , Blogger Kari said...

    Isn't it funny how a low price, or no price on something makes it that much more attractive? Lets see--you'd need a heart doctor for all the sentimental stuff you keep, and an OB-Gone doc for the rest...(okay, that was probably cheesy.)
    So, do people on this site offer to mail things, or do you pick it up from their home?


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