Three Boys and a Girl

Monday, April 28, 2008

Diction lessons

Here's a conversation I overheard the other day between Jonathan and Seth while we were driving somewhere.

J: Seth, say "lllight."
S: wwwight.
J: (pause) . . .Good. You said "white." Good Job. Now say "lllllight."
S: llllllight.
J: Good job Seth. Now say it again. Llllllllight.
S: lllllllllight. . . . Let's not say it again. . .

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I happened to overhear Jonathan and Seth playing out in the backyard today, and it was so interesting that I took up a post to continue eavesdropping, and to scribble down what Jonathan was saying. Jonathan and Seth were both wearing the capes that Carrie made for them. Here's some of what I heard from Jonathan, in his deep strong man voice:

"Stop the fighting! I need to talk to Zerahemnah. . . Will you stop fighting? What do you choose?. . ."

"We don't have enough soldiers to defend so many cities, so I send a letter to Pahoran, Seth. I'm waiting for more soldiers."

"Helaman, none of your soldiers died. But they were all hurt. Aren't you happy that none of them died?"

"Are you Captain Moroni? Or Moroni?"


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy April Fools Day!

For an April Fools joke, John made up a sweet old school (painfully old school) site for his work, and staged it to look like he had replaced his work's home page with this new site. It's got all the mid 90's internet charm. Brings ya back for sure. Check it out. But enter at your own risk. It's a flashback, especially if you spent any amount of time on the web 10 years ago. We laughed a lot while he was making it. :)

When people access this site from John's work, the URL shows, like it's the company's official site. Sneaky.

Any good April Fools Day gags in your neck of the woods?