Three Boys and a Girl

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Ellen Angeline

FInally, the post you've all been waiting for! Here's our beautiful angel. :) She's the most adorable baby girl in the world.

Ellen, originally uploaded by RaisinBread.

For the first few days, whenever we told Luke that her name was Ellen, he threw back his head and made an elephant sound. He's gotten past that now thankfully, although it was really funny. Now for some reason he calls her dada, in his sweetest and highest voice.

I came down with a high fever a week before her due date, so we needed to induce rather than to keep her in that dangerous environment. So long story short, she did well, and she's here and safe. She was 7 lbs 9 oz, which seems tiny compared to our 3 other babies who averaged at 9 lbs each. The boys are so sweet and tender with her. She's definitely the family celebrity. We're so incredibly grateful to have her in our family! How sweet to have a little girl, for all of us to love. :)