John and the boys got out their guitars after dinner tonight and had a jam session.

After Seth got tired of playing guitar he entertained himself with the camera.

The evening ended with a concert from Jonathan (posing as two artists named "Andrew McCole" and "Ford Anderson.") Seth took this picture.

The concert went like this, designed by Jonathan: We announce him and he runs out amidst thunderous applause from the three of us on the couch. He picks up an appropriately shaped wooden block for a microphone (thanks Grandpa Anderson and Chris) and does his welcome/intro speech before playing for us. After the first number (more applause) he talks for a while again, one more number, and then he exits and comes on as the second guy, (who we were informed would be "dressed in really cool clothes, like what I'm wearing right now.") Speech, song, speech, song, a quick thank you speech, applause throughout (and hooting from the audience (John) at certain times during the speeches) and that was it. Thoroughly enjoyable in every way. Jonathan has a flair and style that is pretty fun to watch when he plays guitar. He really gets in the groove. He was so serious and old the whole time too, and his speeches were hilarious. I was turning and bowing my head to stifle the laughter. He's so awesome.
Super fun night.