Three Boys and a Girl

Friday, November 21, 2008

All Hallow's Eve

Robot poses: Jonathan is adjusting his knob, and Seth is...being ferocious and cool, like a robot, of course.

You know you've made an acceptable robot costume when the 4 year old puts it on for the first time and is immediately making robot sounds and motions. Pass. Phew! Not sure what I would've done otherwise... :)

They only took forever to make, but they turned out pretty cool. Jonathan was the hit of his class when he walked in. :) And how could you not be, with force field, turbo power and rocket booster buttons right on your chest?

Luke assumed he had full rights to the booty as well. He's got his eyes on the next one going in too. Eyes on the prize...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shrapnel from a flu shot

John and I got flu shots today with a clinic that came to his work.

There was quite the fiasco when the nurse used a new kind of syringe and thought she had ejected the needle into the person's arm, and found out after 10 very nervous and stressful minutes (especially for the guy who was trying to imagine what method they would possibly use to get that needle out of him!) that the needle had actually retracted into the syringe, and it wasn't buried deep in the patient's flesh after all.

Bit of a panic moment for everyone involved, and everyone (who used to be) in line, to say the least.

But it all worked out okay, and hopefully it will save us a few rounds of sickness this season. :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Actually, I should say, I didn't vote. Seth did. I held him up and told him how to slide the card in and which buttons to push.

It feels good to be American.

Here's a cool post about how when we vote, we're really voting for our children, more than for any candidate. Little play on words there, but so true. :)