Three Boys and a Girl

Friday, April 13, 2007

Wii Haw!

So we finally got one! It's awesome.

Favorite parts of our play today:

6. Making our Mii characters that look just like each of us in our family. Seth's is especially like him.
5. Tennis. It's just fun.
4. Micah and John trash talking while boxing.
3. Seth watching dad play and getting so excited that he yelled out, "Yeah Dad! That's Awesome!!" (he's never said that before)
2. Watching Jonathan bowl!!! He was incredible! He bowled over 90 his first game. He was so proud of himself (very discretely) and celebrated strikes in the most sincere and delightful fashion.
1. Me actually whooping John for once in my entire existence at a video game. We start at the same level (almost) because with the new kind of controllers, he hasn't been perfecting his skills for the past 20 years. :) Ok, so I still only beat him maybe 3 times the whole evening, but it's worth commenting on anyway.

Mostly we're just trying to lure you all into coming for a visit! :)


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