On his birthday morning they were both so excited, they wanted to do a photo shoot. They love having pictures taken of them. They pose it and then ask for a picture.

Seth had fallen in love with this toy at the store the other day, ("can we bring this home??"). He was so cute, we knew we had the winner. So when he saw it on his birthday morning he could hardly contain himself. "Oh!! You got my thing!! I LIKE it!!"

After that it was a good 25 minutes before he could be coaxed away to open anything else. He even gave it some pretty valiant efforts, turning away and going towards another present for a few seconds before hurrying back to his race track and saying, "I can't!" John and I were cracking up watching his intensity with it.

During the entire rest of the day, he and Jonthan probably spent only a half hour of their awake time away from it. I love that it has TWO tracks and TWO cars, so they can both be fully involved.

So then after a while he opened his tractor from Mom and Dad A, and got a huge kick out of that. He also found that it was great at fixing. . .his race track.

After many failed attempts at diverting his attention from the newfound joy of his life, we decided to save his other presents (some great puzzles that they love working on, and an adorable dog puppet from my parents, which he promptly hugged and named Weewoy) for later in the day, after John got home from work. That worked out great, and he was able to love those things when they came. Seth is hilarous with the puzzles. He thinks about it so hard that he actually holds his breath and lets it out in labored grunts while he puts puzzles together, or even while he watches Jonathan put one together.

Note his attention on the cars. . .

Still the cars. . . Seth! We've lit the candles! . . . Seth! Fire!!

There, his cars are all settled now just how he wants them, and he's finally able to notice that there's a huge chocolate cake with three glowing flames, right in front of him.

And does a fabulous job blowing it all out first try. He's had lots of good examples lately with birthdays of family and neighbors.
By the end of the day he was gracefully accepting the fact that he's now three, not two, like he's been for his entire life as far as he can remember. Imagine a change like that. You are no longer what you have ALWAYS been. Now you're three.

We love our Seth.