Three Boys and a Girl

Friday, August 29, 2008

Fun tidbit about Seth

He has a real interest in how things are put together. He takes things apart as often as he can, like pens, flashlights, and anything else that he can disasemble, and then puts it back together over and over. And often he'll find a cool part that he decides to keep as one of his very Special Things, and it never makes it back where it came from. He chooses the greatest little random parts of things to carry around with him for days, and he brings them to bed with him too, (where he also wears his shoes every night.) He would love to be able to collect little shards of glass too, if he could only get the okay from that overprotective mom. He loves little parts of machines, and seeing how they fit together. We replaced the faucet in the back yard and gave him the old one. You'd think it was Christmas with the light in his eyes. I wonder what this will turn into as he grows older.

It's always funny and cute to us to see the little odds and ends that he deems special and important. He's got an eye for finding little parts of gadgets around too. He'll spot a crushed whatever on the ground in parking lot, instantly discern the cool parts, and ask me if he can keep it. And when you look at it, you have to agree that it really is cool looking, and different from the other stuff you see everyday around the house. (Reminds me of Wall-e's collection of cool stuff - you know we all subconsciously like most of that stuff he saved.)

We find little piles of things around the house that Seth has collected - rocks, parts of anything mechanical (like parts of a spare doorknob, or a printer cartridge, the inside of a toy car,) a small allen wrench, a car or two, bouncy balls, a little hour glass, more rocks, sticks, flashlight parts, faucet parts, pieces of brick, batteries, the claw from a broken tractor, shiny pennies, anything metal. . .

You know when you come across a Seth pile. It says his name all over it. I love it. He's a cool little man.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

What the alias?

Jonathan and Seth made some machines out of random toys put together, and played monster hunters/general heros, going by the names of Roger and Clifter, respectively. (No idea where they come up with these.) By the afternoon they had shortened the names to the more casual Cliff and Rog (rodge.) It cracks me up when they're playing and I hear Seth come up to Jonathan and call him Rodge in his low manly voice, to alert him of the impending danger and call him to action.

They've named me Clara in the game. I find that sometimes I'm even a little more successful in getting them to do something if I step into their game for a minute and make the request of Clifter or Roger instead. Turns out Clifter and Roger can be pretty quick when Clara calls them to come inside.

Little boy not so blue anymore

Luke loves food. Doesn't everyone? He's gained all kinds of weight back since I started supplementing. (He gained 1.5 pounds in the first week! - Proportionally, that would be like me gaining over 10 pounds in one week.) So now I pump and pump and he doesn't need as much formula anymore after what I can supply, and mostly he just chows down on the cereal and milk all day.

So now that his needs are met, he's been experiencing a lot of things for the first time, like full wet diapers (I had forgotten that wet diapers were ever really full like that,) actual happy extended play time, real naps, hours more sleep at night, and a lot more smiles. Makes a momma's heart happy.

He's also a very gifted multi-tasker for his age. We're so proud of him.