It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love General Conference! This is honestly one of my favorite times of the whole year. Nothing beats being here with my family and watching it together in the peace of our home.
I printed up a bunch of LDS clip art and made coloring books for the boys to work on as they heard the different gospel topics in thier books. Mostly, just for a fun, related thing to work quietly on. I also had some brand new (to them) library books that they love to read. (And I have a few more things up my sleeve for later sessions. Never pull out all the surprises in the first two hours. . .) Jonathan and Seth do an awesome job.
Did anyone else notice that the sustaining and church reports have always been during the second session in the past and today they were in the first session? I like the change. It seems only appropriate to sustain at the beginning of the meeting. And also I noticed that this is only the second time in the past 6 years that President Hinckley hasn't given the first talk or comments of the conference. The other time was April 2006. I wonder if it's just random, or if he'll only speak first in October conferences now.
I loved Elder Holland's talk about being careful about the way we speak to each other. Talk the way Heavenly Father does - not in the fire or the wind, but in a still, small, kind voice. So applicable. Every part of his talk was so awesome. And it wasn't even a "gospel prinicple" talk, (faith, repentance, temples etc) it was just a way we can be happier and have better relationships. I guess that's really what all gospel principles are for though, now that I think about it. :)
Favorite quote of the day (from Elder Holland): "No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse." :)
Happy General Conference Weekend!