Sunday, June 29, 2008
Family Fieldtrip
Yesterday we took the boys to The Living Planet Aquarium and it was awesome! I think I was as excited as they were. My favorite parts were:
--The huge tank with sharks swimming right past our noses
--Being able to reach in and TOUCH all the rays swimming around in the water! I couldn't believe it. I really never thought I would touch one of those. It felt different than I was expecting. It was incredible.
--The jelly fish. Amazing, huge, and so beautiful in the way they moved. The body was about the size of a volleyball. So graceful.
--The sea horses. Never seen sea horses before. It was interesting to watch the way they used their tales to anchor themselves to plants while they were eating.
--The rainforest animals show, with the talking parrots.
--Eels, (can you see the camo fish in the back?) octopus, bright coral, crabs, sea cucumbers, a huge frog, (did I mention touching the rays and watching the sharks swim?)
It was just really fun, and super fun to let the boys see all those neat things. Seth is a big fan of sharks from watching Blue Planet DVDs, and they both really knew about the things they were seeing, so it was amazing to see them up close and personal.
The world is just awesome.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Father's and Sons Campout
The boys did great and had an awesome time collecting sticks, finding snakes, and enjoying the endless possibilities of being up in the mountains. I only wish I coulda come along too!!

They even brought me back some wild flowers. I'm going to do my best to convince John that we should go on a camping trip as a family. Pleeeeease?? :)
As a side note, it was absolutely wacky for me at home, with just Luke and me. It's weird to be alone when you're used to having everyone here, even if they're sleeping at night. Having empty rooms is really weird. I'm glad to have them all back. :)
They even brought me back some wild flowers. I'm going to do my best to convince John that we should go on a camping trip as a family. Pleeeeease?? :)
As a side note, it was absolutely wacky for me at home, with just Luke and me. It's weird to be alone when you're used to having everyone here, even if they're sleeping at night. Having empty rooms is really weird. I'm glad to have them all back. :)
Culinary Masters
The boys have never seen a cooking show, but they are doing one.

The creations of the day are "Enchiladas with Roasted Onions," "Sushi Bentosa" and "Carbonated Sambasa" (sahmbahsah) which I've personally never heard of, but it sounds Great. You really should hear Jonathan's running dialogue describing what he is doing it and how it needs to be done. I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to crave some Sambasa!
The creations of the day are "Enchiladas with Roasted Onions," "Sushi Bentosa" and "Carbonated Sambasa" (sahmbahsah) which I've personally never heard of, but it sounds Great. You really should hear Jonathan's running dialogue describing what he is doing it and how it needs to be done. I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to crave some Sambasa!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
An hour in the life of my boys
It all started with just some music, and Jonathan brought in his guitar and played along,
which lead to some air drumming.
And then he decided he needed to take it up a notch.
He rummaged up some chopsticks and a lot of things that made very different sounds. The mixed nuts made a nice snare drum.
Maybe a little too nice. We all know how drumming builds up a the appetite.
At any rate, it ended up super fun and super loud. :)
All the while, Seth was busy working on the whiteboard, coming up with a very impressive caterpillar, among other things,
And Luke was diligently pursuing excellence in the arts of sucking on his fingers, drooling, and charming us with those baby blues. I love these guys.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Last day of school
I'm getting old. And so is Jonathan!

His teacher was incredible, and Jonathan loved kindergarten. (You can see him bottom right.) I know he'll have a great time next year and all that, but I'm sad to move past this stage. It's been such a good experience, and his teacher was such a great friend to him - I'm sad that he'll never be there again. Change is the only constant I guess.
And I'm super proud of Jonathan. He got a perfect report card, nailed his speaking part in his class program, made a ton of friends, memorized 20 songs, reads like a third grader, "and loves him mom so much." (That last part was what dictated from him.)
His teacher was incredible, and Jonathan loved kindergarten. (You can see him bottom right.) I know he'll have a great time next year and all that, but I'm sad to move past this stage. It's been such a good experience, and his teacher was such a great friend to him - I'm sad that he'll never be there again. Change is the only constant I guess.
And I'm super proud of Jonathan. He got a perfect report card, nailed his speaking part in his class program, made a ton of friends, memorized 20 songs, reads like a third grader, "and loves him mom so much." (That last part was what dictated from him.)