Three Boys and a Girl

Friday, June 29, 2007

I can finally say I've been fishing!

The boys and I gave John the whole settup for fishing for Father's Day, so we went last weekend down to Provo Lake.

Here's a little video to show what our fishing experience *wasn't.*

So we didn't come home with a fish to show for it. . . but we had a lot of fun anyway. :)

The boys had a ball adventuring around in the brush and chillin by the lake, and eating goodies. This picture is the when they finally sat down for the first time after romping and exploring at full speed for hours.

Actually the closest we got to something that looked like a fish was Seth's pet lizard that he adopted. This turned out to be the classic proud fisherman shot for our trip. :)

It was actually a blast, and, hey, a girl's gotta start somewhere. :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A little bit of trauma for my Tuesday afternoon

For those of you with those #10 food storage cans, beware the metal lids. They're monsters.

I had one in my garbage, and then was throwing some other things away and just pushed the top of the garbage down as I put some more on top. I immediately found out that that was a very bad idea. I had literally pushed my finger hard into the "blade" of the can lid, and gave myself about an inch long, half inch deep cut across and down the side of the pad of my middle finger. I won't go into the blood or the trauma of the moments afterward, but suffice it to say that while I was holding pressure on it and doing a pretty decent job staying calm, Jonathan did an awesome job at dialing john's work for me (John left work that second and was home in less than three minutes,) and Jonathan also dialed Joanna's house so I could ask her to take the boys for a while. He was an awesome help. He was pretty worried for me, and even told Joanna that after John and I left for the Urgent Care. Poor guy. It was an intense moment for him.

So an hour later I had four stitches and a big purple "club" of gauze surrounding my finger. (Typing is a feat in itself.) I'm the crazy kind of person who has to watch the stitching, and it was pretty interesting. The worst part was the four shots of anesthetic all around the tip of my finger. But then it felt wonderful, so it was worth it.

My angel mom came over while we were gone and did all my dishes, and Joanna and Micah watched the boys and fed them dinner. My Dad was there too and even fed Seth bite by bite in fun ways to help him finish. And then, as if that wasn't enough, Joey and Micah brought us a gourmet shrimp and artichoke orzo pasta dinner that was heavenly. John said, "If you ever wonder if people love you, just look at how many people completely dropped their day to run over to help." I really have an amazing, supportive family. I know any of you would've done the same if you were near too.

The good thing is that I had just barely finished making two banana cream pies and put them in the fridge to cool. I'm glad I didn't have to leave in the middle of pudding cooling and setting. "Of all the insignificant concerns. . ." I know, but I'm glad about it anyway. :) And it's a nice treat to come home to. I figure it's one way to get out of doing dishes for the next week. . . There's probably a less expensive way though. I oughta think about that more next time. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The most awesome thing I've seen all day

Coming from someone who's crazy about linguistics, this was right down my alley. It's a quiz about the subtle things that define regional accents. Honestly, I think about this stuff every time I listen to people talk.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Heaven will have pastries. I know it.

Tonight after our FHE lesson we went with the boys to a Pananderia close by that was mmm mmm good. I should go there every single day. I envy those of you who served Latin missions. Not to mention Rob with the French pastry shops. Let's just say that international pastries are divine. I was positively drawn into every bakery that I passed in Japan too. (The word for bread in Japanese is even "pan" borrowed from Spanish (and French). Man, good stuff.

Tonight our pastries included the flaky layered kind with cream inside (amazing amazing amazing) a lot like mille feuille but closed on the outside, some cream filled churros, a blueberry muffin that Jonathan chose, a flaky triangle pocket with a strawberry filling that was so tasty and the perfect amount of sweetness (much less than American pastries), a huge super good (my favorite of them all) croissant shapped roll with a subtle touch of cinnamon maybe and sprinkled with sugar, and a sphere of goodness that had a light smear of raspberry on the inside and coconut on the outside of a shortcake-ish soft-ball sized ball.

If you're standing in front of a glass case with a tray and tongs in your hands, you know life is good.

Any other favorite kinds we should try? We have a fabulous authentic French Pastry shop here too. They even brought over their ovens from France.

We took our bag of goodies to a soccer field and kicked around a ball with the boys. Jonathan kept going back to for refills while we played. Okay so he wasn't the only one.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I'm not sure "addiction" is the word for it, but. . .

I have a thing for yard sales.

When I see the sign it's just hard not to turn. I just like a good yard sale, that's all. You can find crazy good deals on virtually everything, especially if you do it right. Yesterday I got 60 children's books for 3 bucks. Beat that. I also got a nice small shelf for 2 bucks, and (get this) a brand new Thunder Cats shirt for John for a buck.

Tis the Season. :)