Luke hasn't been eating or sleeping really well for a while now, and he's started looking really thin to us, so at John's prompting I took Luke in to the doctor today. And he's lost 1 lb 3 oz since his last appointment 3 weeks ago! That was alarming, both to me and our pediatrician. That's almost 10% of his weight, and he's supposed to be
gaining 2 or 3 ounces every day, certainly not
losing weight. He said Luke seems perfectly healthy otherwise, which is good, he just needs to be getting more.
He suggested supplementing with formula (which is unusual for him since he's a very strong advocate of breast feeding, as am I) and also starting him on rice cereal. John had suggested supplementing yesterday, and I've been wanting to start food for him to help him get more, but didn't want to start too early.
So today after the doctor appointment I came home and tried to nurse him but he didn't want any, and then I offered the formula, and he guzzled it. I was using the 2 oz pre-mixed sample bottles, and he drank it down fast and steady. I thought, "wow, he was hungry." And then it occurred to me that he might drink more, so I offered a second bottle, which he drank just as quickly, and then a 3rd and then a 4th. Eight ounces without even stopping for a second. The poor boy was starving. And it was a beautiful thing to see him finish and lay back, content, and actually
full, for probably the first time in a long time. I'm so happy to let him eat all he needs! It's a little bittersweet in a way though too, that I couldn't give him what he needs, but I'm so happy that he's getting it now. For whatever reason my milk supply is low, and he's not getting enough when he sucks, so he pulls away. I've never been a fan of formula (quite the opposite actually) but when using it means your baby won't be losing weight anymore, it's heaven sent.
The plan now is to mix formula and breast milk for all his feedings (at least for the next week) so we can double his calories and see if he can gain some weight back. John gave him a blessing this evening that he'll be able to react well to the changes, and that his system can accept the new things we're adding to his diet. I really hope he can do well. He's an awesome little boy. His favorite thing lately is to reach out and touch your face. It melts us all. :)